
Understanding the Divorce Process

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Understanding the Divorce Process

As soon as I realized that my marriage was starting to fail, I knew that I should start looking into hiring the right attorney. I didn't want to get left struggling to pay my bills, and I was concerned about my children's well-being. To ward off problems, I started searching for the right attorney. I found a great representative, and he carefully guided me through the divorce process. It was amazing to learn what to expect and how to resolve challenges. This blog is all about understanding the divorce process and avoiding issues in the future. You never know when you might need these tips.

Getting Divorced? Understanding The Different Types Of Alimony You May Be Eligible For

It isn't uncommon for one individual in a relationship to earn more than the other. In many cases, one spouse will earn money, while the other spouse will take care of other things in the relationship, such as the children and the upkeep of the home. In cases like this, it can be very difficult on the individual with no financial income to support themselves in the event of a divorce. It is because of this that a court could potentially order the primary earner of the relationship to pay spousal support for a certain period of time. However, there are several different forms of alimony. Depending on the state in which you live and your individual situation, you could be awarded any of the following:

Alimony Pendente Lite

Also known as separation or temporary spousal support, alimony pendente lite is usually ordered when a couple has separated and one of the parties is unable to financially take care of themselves during the separation. In the event that the couple gets back together, the financial support will cease. The alimony payments will typically continue to be made until the divorce is finalized and a permanent spousal support order has been settled.

Rehabilitative Alimony

In the event that one party is found not self-sufficient, the court may order that the other party provide rehabilitative alimony. This serves as a form of financial support while the ex-spouse gets an education, expands occupational skills or searches for a job. Usually, this type of spousal support is ordered by a judge for a pre-determined amount of time. After that amount of time, the alimony will cease unless the order is revisited.

Permanent Alimony

When most individuals think about spousal support, this is what they think about. Permanent alimony is an amount that is awarded when the divorce has been properly finalized by the court and is paid on a recurring basis. As a general rule, it is paid indefinitely. However, under certain circumstances, such as cohabitation, remarriage or even significant job changes, it is subject to change.

Lump-Sum Alimony

In the event that one spouse does not want any valuables or property that was accumulated during the marriage, the other spouse may be ordered by the court to pay a lump-sum of alimony to that spouse. When this happens, no other form of alimony can be ordered.

Reimbursement Alimony

In some cases, one spouse may pay for the other spouse to get a higher education. When this happens, it may be possible to get the court to award reimbursement alimony, which will compensate that spouse for a portion – or all – of the tuition expenses that was initially paid. Contact a business, such as Kalamarides & Lambert, for more information.