
Understanding the Divorce Process

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Understanding the Divorce Process

As soon as I realized that my marriage was starting to fail, I knew that I should start looking into hiring the right attorney. I didn't want to get left struggling to pay my bills, and I was concerned about my children's well-being. To ward off problems, I started searching for the right attorney. I found a great representative, and he carefully guided me through the divorce process. It was amazing to learn what to expect and how to resolve challenges. This blog is all about understanding the divorce process and avoiding issues in the future. You never know when you might need these tips.

Survival Guide For Divorcing While Pregnant

Going through with a divorce might not be something that you can control, and sometimes your situation might involve other factors. Whether you are leaving your spouse or vice-versa, this can be a painful process all on its own. If you are pregnant, this can add an entire new level of stress. It is important to protect yourself and your future through the divorce process if you are also expecting a child. Here are three tips to help with getting yourself through the divorce process if you happen to be pregnant.

1. Focus on Your Health

Being pregnant during stressful times should involve self-care and a focus on your overall health. If you were blindsided by your spouse's plan to divorce or this may have been a long time coming, this isn't an easy process and can take a lot out of you emotionally and physically. Be sure to find a counselor along with your divorce attorney so that you can vet decisions and keep your emotions in check. If your spouse will not be there with you for prenatal appointments or the birth of your child, be sure to find a support system within your family, group of friends, or community to help. 

2. Try for Mediation if Possible

Depending on the contentiousness surrounding your divorce, you can hopefully keep stress levels down by opting for mediation and settling your divorce out of court. This will save you a lot of money on court processing fees and save you time on court dates -- and time and money are both valuable when preparing for a baby! 

3. Discuss Future Custody Issues

While you may not be able to finalize your divorce until you have your child, you can begin to discuss custody options with your ex and your divorce attorney. If you haven't talked with a divorce attorney yet, check out It is important to explore what role your soon-to-be-ex will want to play in your baby's life. This might involve granting you primary custody while your baby is nursing and an augmented arrangement as your child grows. Make sure to find a lawyer experienced in family law that can guide you through your situation so that you aren't met with any surprises along the way.

While a divorce can be a consuming process, having an infant that will need your time and energy will trump this. Be sure to focus on what is important and keep your health and pregnancy at the forefront during this time.